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Aantal gevonden publicaties : 153 (uit: 2042)
Getoond wordt publicatie : 1 t/m 30 |
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Boeknummer: 0002
The Cornish engine Stoomgemalen; Stoommachines (1951) [Dickinson, H W] A chapter in the history of steam power. Descriptions of a series of films produced by the Shell film unit, London with the co-operation of The Cornish Engines Preservation Society. Art and Technics;  ( Technische Wetenschappen - Stoomtechniek) |
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Boeknummer: 0003
James Watt and the steam engine Stoommachines (1989) [Dickinson, H W; Henkins, R] The memorial volume prepared for the committee of the Watt centenary commemoration at Birmingham 1919. The improvements to the steam engine made by James Watt are among the most important developments of the Industrial Revolution. This book deals with the life of Watt from his early experiments in Glasgow to his partnership with Mathew Boulton in Birmingham and finally his death in 1819. Encore Editions Ltd; 25 cm; ( Technische Wetenschappen - Stoomtechniek) |
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Boeknummer: 0010
The Cornish engine Stoomgemalen; Stoommachines (1951) [Dickinson, H W] A chapter in the history of steam power. Descriptions of a series of films produced by the Shell film unit, London with the co-operation of The Cornish Engines preservation society. Art and Technics;  ( Technische Wetenschappen - Stoomtechniek) |
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Boeknummer: 0012
A Treatise on the STEAM ENGINE: Historical, Practical and Descriptive (1827), Volume 1 Stoommachines (1971) [Farey, J] This is an account, first published in 1827, of the invention and development of the steam engine and its impact on the British economy over a 100 year period. The practical and descriptive sections are designed as a course of instruction for professional students and as a manual for practising engineers. Latimer Trend & Company Limited;  ( Technische Wetenschappen - Stoomtechniek) |
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Boeknummer: 0013
A treatise on the Steam Engine Historical, Practical and Descriptive Volume2 Stoomgemalen; Stoommachines (1971) [Farey, J] Volume 2 describes the origin and progress of the applications of high-pressure steam as practised since 1800, first by Trevithick and then by Woolf. David & Charles;  ( Technische Wetenschappen - Stoomtechniek) |
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Boeknummer: 0027
Stormvloeden en rivieroverstromingen in Nederland. Deel 1. De periode voor 1400. Waterbouwkunde; Waterhuishouding (1971) [Gottschalk, Dr M K E] Gorcum & Comp BV, van; 24 cm; ( Geschiedenis algemeen en plaatselijk) |
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Boeknummer: 0028
Stormvloeden en rivieroverstromingen in Nederland. Deel 2. De periode 1400-1600. Waterbouwkunde; Waterhuishouding (1975) [Gottschalk, Dr M K E] Gorcum & Comp BV, van; 24 cm; ( Geschiedenis algemeen en plaatselijk) |
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Boeknummer: 0029
Stormvloeden en rivieroverstromingen in Nederland. Deel 3. De periode 1600-1700. Waterbouwkunde; Waterhuishouding (1977) [Gottschalk, Dr M K E] Gorcum & Comp BV, van; == Maak uw keuze ==; ( Geschiedenis algemeen en plaatselijk) |
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Boeknummer: 0113
Research inspired by the Dutch windmills. An account of an extensive programme of research and development initiated and organized by the 'Prinsenmolen'-committee Molens This book comprises the reports concerning the Committee's experiences in more than 20 years, which are of great importance for all those interested in windmills, drainage activities and wind energy phenomena. Veenman en Zonen, H.;  ( Gemalen) |
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Boeknummer: 0117
Transactions of the Newcomen Society for the study of the history of Engineering and Technology. Volume 57, 1985-86 Newcomen; Stoommachines (1988) [Diversen] The Newcomen Society;  ( Technische Wetenschappen - Stoomtechniek) |
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Boeknummer: 0118
Transactions of the Newcomen Society for the study of the history of Engineering and Technology Transactions. Volume 62, 1990-91 Newcomen; Stoommachines (1991) The study of the history of Engineering and Technology Transactions. The Newcomen Society;  ( Technische Wetenschappen - Werktuigbouwkunde) |
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Boeknummer: 0119
Transactions of the Newcomen Society for the study of the history of Engineering and Technology Transactions. Volume 64, 1992-93 Newcomen; Stoommachines (1993) The study of the history of Engineering and Technology Transactions. The Newcomen Society;  ( Technische Wetenschappen - Werktuigbouwkunde) |
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Boeknummer: 0123
Sheffield Steel, Historic Industrial Scenes Fabrieken; Industrie; Productiemethoden; Smederijen; Techniek (1976) [Barraclough, K C] In this book the author outlines the rise of the industry as far as the early days of this century, when alloy steels gradually took over. The major part is a unique collection of prints and photographs illustrating steel in all its aspects, from the production of the basic materials ti its forging, grinding, rolling or cating in its final form. Moorland Publishing Company; 25 cm; ( Technische Wetenschappen - Werktuigbouwkunde) |
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Boeknummer: 0124
The Cornish beam engine. Stoomgemalen; Stoommachines (1966) [Barton, D B] A survey of the history of the Cornish engine and development in the mines of Cornwall and Devon from before 1800 to the present day, with something of its use elsewhere in Britain and abroad D. Bradford Barton Ltd;  ( Technische Wetenschappen - Stoomtechniek) |
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Boeknummer: 0125
Building the overcrank engine Georgina Stoommachines (1981) [Cain, T] This book describes the construction of the 'Georgina' model engine designed by Tubal Cain. It is representative of a type widely used for small powers, and occasionally larger ones. The author takes the reader through the construction, with many sketches of time-saving devices and photographs of work in progress. Argus Books Ltd; == Maak uw keuze ==; ( Technische Wetenschappen - Werktuigbouwkunde) |
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Boeknummer: 0126
The Ironbridge Gorge Museum (1990) [Thomas, R] Coalbrookdale and the Museum of Iron Ironbridge Gorge Museum Trust; == Maak uw keuze ==; ( Geschiedenis algemeen en plaatselijk) |
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Boeknummer: 0127
Beam Engines Beam Engines; Stoomgemalen; Stoommachines (1992) [Crowley, T E] Contents: Introduction Thomas Newcomen Developments John Smeaton The separate condenser Rotative engines Progress in the 1790s Into the nineteenth century The Cornish engine The heyday of steam Shire Publications Ltd; 21 cm; ( Technische Wetenschappen - Stoomtechniek) |
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Boeknummer: 0128
Building a steam engine from castings Stoommachines (1970) [Westbury, E T] Model & Allied Publications Ltd; 19 cm; ( Technische Wetenschappen - Stoomtechniek) |
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Boeknummer: 0129
Steamships; 1: Merchant ships to 1880 Scheepvaart; Stoommachines (1969) [Bathe, B W] The steamship collection at the Science Museum includes a wide range of models. In this booklet a very brief summary of the development of the steamship is given. Nineteen models, described and illustrated in chronological order have been selected. Her Majesty's Stationery Office; 15 cm; ( Scheepvaart) |
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Boeknummer: 0130
The Cornish Mining Industry, a brief history (1995) [Buckley, J A] Geschiedenis van de mijnbouw (tin en koper) in Cornwall. Tor Mark Press; 21 cm; ( Technische Wetenschappen - Werktuigbouwkunde) |
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Boeknummer: 0131
Cornwall's Engine Houses Stoomgemalen; Stoommachines (1994) [Barton, D B] West Cornwall shows a lot of places with buildings which are the last remains of the nineteenth century tin and copper mines for which Cornwall was once justly famous. Tor Mark Press; == Maak uw keuze ==; ( Technische Wetenschappen - Stoomtechniek) |
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Boeknummer: 0132
Steam Power. An Illustrated Guide Stoommachines [Watkins, G; Wightman, F] An illustrated guide to recognize the main types of steam engines The drawings of rhe steam engines are schematic rather than specific: that is they aim at illustrating general types rayher than particular designs. David & Charles Limited (publishers);  ( Technische Wetenschappen - Stoomtechniek) |
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Boeknummer: 0133
John Taylor, mining entrepreneur and engineer 1779-1863 Mijnbouw; Stoommachines (1977) [Burt, R] John Taylor was only nineteen when he took over the management of one of Devonshire's largest copper mines and made it a resounding success. Soon he was in charge of metal mines in almost every mining area of Britain. More than anyone else Taylor was responsible for transforming the traditional practices of British mining into a scientific discipline. Moorland Publishing Company; == Maak uw keuze ==; ( Technische Wetenschappen - Werktuigbouwkunde) |
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Boeknummer: 0134
The Rainhill story. The great locomotive trail Railvervoer; Railwerktuigen; Stoommachines; Treinen (1980) [Burton, A] This book describes the story of an historic event which was to assure the future of the railways and the steam locomotive. The hundred and fiftieth (150) anniversary of Rainhill has been marked by the reconstruction of working replicas of the three main competing engines: The Rocket, Sans Pareil and Novelty. British Broadcasting Corporation; == Maak uw keuze ==; ( Technische Wetenschappen - Stoomtechniek) |
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Boeknummer: 0135
Workshop technology; part one, an introductory course Stelling van Amsterdam (1965) [Chapman, W A J] Boek over materialen en hun produktieprocessen. BV warmtebehandeling van staal, non-ferro metalen zoals Aluminium, smeden, klinken, solderen, kogellagers, verspanen, etc. Edward Arnold; 23 cm; ( Technische Wetenschappen - Werktuigbouwkunde) |
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Boeknummer: 0136
Industrial Archaeology in the British Isles Archeologie; Industrie (1979) [Butt, J; Donnachie, I] The authors emphasize two vital points: that industrial archaeology cannot be separated from its historical, economic and social context; and that it cannot be constrained to the period after 1700. Paul Elek;  ( Technische Wetenschappen - Algemeen) |
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Boeknummer: 0137
Steam Power and British Industrialization to 1860 Stoommachines (1978) [Tunzelmann, G N von] Dit boek is een bewerking van een proefschrift: Some economic aspects of the diffusion of steam power in the British isles to 1856, with special reference to the textile industries. Oxford University Press; == Maak uw keuze ==; ( Technische Wetenschappen - Stoomtechniek) |
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Boeknummer: 0138
The Power of steam; an illustrated history of the world's steam age Stoommachines (1982) [Briggs, A] This book tells the story of steam power from its beginnings in the ancient world through to the vintage steam preservation movement of the present day. Michael Joseph Ltd; == Maak uw keuze ==; ( Technische Wetenschappen - Stoomtechniek) |
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Boeknummer: 0139
Industrial archaeology in Britain (1980) [Buchanan, R A] Industrial archaeology is a pursuit to which everybody, from engineers to manual workers, from historians to housewives, can bring some expertise. In this book the author defines the proper interests of the industrial archaelogist, whether in coal-mining or the consumer industries, in windmills or tramways. Pelican Books;  ( Geschiedenis algemeen en plaatselijk) |
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Boeknummer: 0140
A Social History of Engineering Natuurwetenschappen; Oorlogshandelingen; Productiemethoden; Railvervoer; Scheepvaart; Smederijen; Spoorwegen; Techniek (1976) [Armytage, W H G] This book has three aims: to chart technological developments with especial reference to Britain, to indicate how they have affected and been affected by social life at certain stages and to offer some clues as to the origins of innovations and institutions. Faber & Faber; == Maak uw keuze ==; ( Technische Wetenschappen - Algemeen) |
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