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Aantal gevonden publicaties : 2 (uit: 2042)
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Boeknummer: 0123
Sheffield Steel, Historic Industrial Scenes Fabrieken; Industrie; Productiemethoden; Smederijen; Techniek (1976) [Barraclough, K C] In this book the author outlines the rise of the industry as far as the early days of this century, when alloy steels gradually took over. The major part is a unique collection of prints and photographs illustrating steel in all its aspects, from the production of the basic materials ti its forging, grinding, rolling or cating in its final form. Moorland Publishing Company; 25 cm; ( Technische Wetenschappen - Werktuigbouwkunde) |
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Boeknummer: 0140
A Social History of Engineering Natuurwetenschappen; Oorlogshandelingen; Productiemethoden; Railvervoer; Scheepvaart; Smederijen; Spoorwegen; Techniek (1976) [Armytage, W H G] This book has three aims: to chart technological developments with especial reference to Britain, to indicate how they have affected and been affected by social life at certain stages and to offer some clues as to the origins of innovations and institutions. Faber & Faber; == Maak uw keuze ==; ( Technische Wetenschappen - Algemeen) |
Laatste wijziging binnen getoonde publicaties: 19 februari 2023
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