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Aantal gevonden publicaties : 2 (uit: 2042)
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Boeknummer: 0235
Model stationary and marine steam engines Modelbouw; Stoommachines (1972) [Harris, K N] In this book, about model stationary and marine steam engines, the course is adopted to attempt to explain, as simply as possible, first principles, and to follow up with a series of practical desings, ranging upwards from the very simplest, with themselves serve to illustrate the more important types that have been in use over the last one hundred years. Model & Allied Publications Ltd; 23 cm; ( Technische Wetenschappen - Stoomtechniek) |
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Boeknummer: 0262
Dampfmaschinen Modelbau Holzapfel Winterthur Gereedschappen; Modelbouw; Stoommachines; Treinen (1984) [Holzapfel, K] Catalogus van de stoommachine-modelbouw fabriek Holzapfel uit Winterthur, met materialen, onderdelen, halffabricaten, kant en klaar modellen, armaturen van/voor modelstoommachines, alsmede miniatuur stoomtractoren, locomotieven en benodigde gereedschappen voor zelfdoeners. Eigen beheer; 21 cm; ( Technische Wetenschappen - Stoomtechniek) |
Laatste wijziging binnen getoonde publicaties: 15 mei 2023
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