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Aantal gevonden publicaties : 2 (uit: 2042)
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Boeknummer: 0133
John Taylor, mining entrepreneur and engineer 1779-1863 Mijnbouw; Stoommachines (1977) [Burt, R] John Taylor was only nineteen when he took over the management of one of Devonshire's largest copper mines and made it a resounding success. Soon he was in charge of metal mines in almost every mining area of Britain. More than anyone else Taylor was responsible for transforming the traditional practices of British mining into a scientific discipline. Moorland Publishing Company; == Maak uw keuze ==; ( Technische Wetenschappen - Werktuigbouwkunde) |
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Boeknummer: 0236
Dolcoath: queen of Cornish mines Mijnbouw (1974) [Harris, T R] This book tells the history of Dolcoath, one of the most remarkable mines in Cornwall, in the pasish of Camborne The Trevithick Society;  ( Geschiedenis - Overigen) |
Laatste wijziging binnen getoonde publicaties: 9 mei 2023
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