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1. Boeknummer: 0127  
Beam Engines
Beam Engines; Stoomgemalen; Stoommachines           (1992)    [Crowley, T E]
Thomas Newcomen
John Smeaton
The separate condenser
Rotative engines
Progress in the 1790s
Into the nineteenth century
The Cornish engine
The heyday of steam

Shire Publications Ltd;  21 cm;  ( Technische Wetenschappen - Stoomtechniek)

2. Boeknummer: 0230  
Designed for Dry Feet, Flood Protection and Land Reclamation in the Netherlands
Geschiedenis Algemeen; Waterhuishouding; Afsluitdijk; Beam Engines; Deltaplan; Deltawerken; Dijken; Droogmaking; Landaanwinning; Meren; Molens; Noordzeekanaal; Overstromingen; Polders; Rivieren; Stoomgemalen; Stormvloed; Stormvloedkering; Stuwen; Waterbouwkunde; Waterschap; Watersnood; Waterstaat; Weg en Waterbouw; Zuiderzeewerken           (2006)    [Hoeksema, R J, Ph D]
This is a civil engineering saga that has been played out for centuries and continues still. Civil engineers created the infrastructure that allowed any number of countries to develop, but seldom have they ceated the very country itself and equally seldom has any nation's existance depended so completely on their craft. All civil engineers (not just hydrologstists) shoud know this story. This book provides insights into the (re) building and fortificatuion of dikes and levees; flood protection in the Netherlands
American Society of Civil Engineers;  == Maak uw keuze ==;  ( Geschiedenis van de strijd tegen het water)

3. Boeknummer: 0419  
The Beam engine. A massive chapter in the History of Steam
Beam Engines; Stoommachines           (1982)    [Crowley, T E]
1. Introduction
2. Thomas Newcomen
3. Early Developments
4. After Newcomen
5. Enter James Watt
6. Trevithick and High Pressure Steam
7. 19th Century Rotational Engines
8. The Cornisch Engine
9. Beam Engines Abroad
10. Into the 20th Century
Part Two
List of Engines and Locations
Descriptions and Illustrations of Engines

Senecio;   ( Technische Wetenschappen - Stoomtechniek)


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